Captive Insurance Companies

Working in partnership with industry specialists, we are able, through our wholly-owned subsidiary, CG Captive Managers, to deliver cost-effective service to Captive Insurance Company clients, including consulting services relative to the feasibility, capitalisation, registration and management of the Captive.

We offer broking services relative to the placement of reinsurance coverage for the Captive Insurance Companies we service.

Contact us at your convenience to schedule a no obligation appointment to discuss how we can address your specific requirements.

Financial Services Professionals

We have many years of experience servicing the financial sector. We have working relationships with domestic and international underwriters and intermediaries that give us the capacity to design and implement complete insurance programmes for any financial service entity, including (but not limited to):

  • Commercial Banks

  • Private Banks

  • Asset and Fund Managers

  • Securities and Commodities Traders

  • Trust and Estate Administrators

  • Financial, Investment & Economic Advisors

  • Corporate Service Providers

For this sector’s most significant risks and exposures, our strategic alliances with reputable London-based international brokers give us access to the Lloyd’s Market where from numerous underwriting syndicates many options are available to cover Crime, Computer Crime, Employee Dishonesty and Misappropriation, Professional Errors & Omissions, Director’s & Officer’s Liability, Employment Practices Liability and Legal Expenses, up to limits in excess of BSD100 million. We can also arrange marine and aviation covers for corporate yachts and aircraft, as well as commercial property, liability and motor insurances for premises, operations and vehicles.

Our experience and relationships with life and health insurers give us the capacity to also consult on and broke individual and group life, health and pensions programmes. Contact us to schedule a no obligation appointment to discuss how we can address your specific requirements.

Legal, Construction, Engineering & Other Professionals

We have a long and enviable record of satisfactory service to members of the various professional fraternities. Our alliances with London-based international brokers has enabled us to develop a facility to provide Professional Indemnity cover at competitive premiums, for the smallest to the largest firms for coverage limits up to and exceeding BSD20 million. The scope and terms of cover are also especially attractive.

We can also arrange marine and aviation covers for corporate yachts and aircraft. As well, we have facilities to insure buildings and office premises, public and employer’s liability and motor vehicles, and we can design and implement executive personal accident insurance programmes.

Our experience and relationships with life and health insurers give us the capacity to also consult on and broke individual and group life, health and pensions programmes.

Miscellaneous Business Enterprises

Our primary objective as consultant and insurance broker to any client is to put him in the position to make well-informed decisions about the insurance aspect of his overall risk management strategy and to effect the insurances he requires on the best terms and in the most expedient manner. Hence, first we familiarise ourselves with the operations and the risks associated with the enterprise then we confer with our client, advising as to the specific insurances to be considered. Subsequently, in line with our client’s decision(s) and instructions, we design a programme to secure the coverage(s) desired.

We design property, casualty, liability and motor vehicle insurance programmes for:

  • Construction trades

  • Restaurants and Catering

  • Hotels and Tourism

  • Wholesale and Retail trades

  • Manufacturing

  • Aviation

  • Financial Services

  • Legal Services

  • Health Care Services

Our abilities also extend to include consulting for and broking group life, health and pensions programmes.

Private Clients

We offer a complete, comprehensive service to each client seeking insurance for their personal assets. After our initial assessment, we give our advice and effect the appropriate policies in line with our client’s instructions. When losses occur, we also advise and assist with claims. Our aim with every enquiry is to ensure our client’s complete satisfaction.

Policies designed specifically for personal assets and which we are able to arrange via our Agency Services Division include:

PRIVATE CAR POLICY - for loss or damage to personal motor vehicles and legal liability arising from their ownership and use.

HOME POLICY - for loss or damage to private residences, valuables and private collections, and legal liability arising from their ownership, occupation and use.

YACHT POLICY - for loss or damage to personal boats and yachts, and legal liability arising from their ownership and use.

We are also able to arrange personal accident, life and health policies as well as personal pension programmes.