Consulting & Broking

We are experienced in the handling of all insurance product classes. We also maintain working relationships with important domestic and international underwriters and brokers. We continuously update ourselves with respect to insurance market developments. Thus, our clients are able to receive the benefit of well-informed expert advice and the latest in insurance industry products and practice.


In a typical consulting engagement we undertake to:

  • Gain a clear understanding of the enquiry or problem

  • Conduct research relevant to the enquiry or solution for the problem

  • Produce a formal report detailing our considered advice in such a manner as to enable our client to make a well-informed decision

For a broking engagement we:

  • Review the insurance needs of our client and give advice as to the insurance(s) required

  • Identify and contact suitable insurers for the insurance(s)

  • Complete the placement of the insurance(s) in accordance with our client’s instructions

  • Obtain from the insurers all relevant insurance documentation

  • Forward premium payments received to the insurers

  • Assist with claims

  • Remain available for consultation

With each engagement we aim to meet our client’s expectations both as regards the insurance contracts we arrange and the services we provide in support of them. Where an off-the-shelf solution is not appropriate or inadequate, we work to tailor the insurance programme to our client’s peculiar needs. We regularly employ outside-of-the-box thinking, and thereby ensure that everything within reason is done in the execution of our duty to our client. Contact us at your convenience to schedule a no obligation appointment to discuss how we can address your specific requirements.